CHAMP has now added the Manifest service on its quotes and booking portal.
What is the manifest service meant for?
The flight manifest message typically allows the exchange of the following details:
- details of shipments loaded on a flight;
- shipment linkage to a specific ULD or bulk;
- details of the onward movements of shipments etc.
Ground handlers and airlines typically exchange these messages for operational reasons. Certain customs organizations mandate sharing of these messages.
FREIGHT.AERO leverages the power of CHAMP’s connectivity platform - cargoHUB - to send the manifest message in the format that’s most suitable for the recipient. We support a variety of message formats and versions.
What do you gain from using the service?
While most large ground handlers use have complex IT systems to send such manifest messages, some small and medium ones are still using manual ways (such as email) to exchange such manifest information. By using our manifest service, you will have the following advantages:
- Higher quality of data
- Lesser chances of rejection of the message
- Higher productivity for your staff
What are the steps to send the information?
Once you have registered, you can use the manifest screen to follow a four-step process to send these messages:
- Step 1 - Specify flight and segment level details
- Step 2 - Specify ULD and air waybill details
- Step 3 - Review the data before submission
- Step 4 - Confirmation
Embrace the digital world and move away from manual transmission methods!
Please email contact@FREIGHT.AERO if you’d like to know more.