Many carriers use an array of IT systems to serve their needs. Whether you use a CHAMP product or not, it’s crucial to have the ability to use your information between systems. Furthermore, as much as we would like you to be – not every carrier, forwarder, or another stakeholder in the supply chain is 100% digital. Most receive the odd (or many) paper AWBs for the consignments they ship. To make these digital – the manually entered AWB is printed and scanned by staff using dedicated printers and then uploaded into an archive, like Fakta. Unfortunately, this takes a considerable amount of work and time.
So, how can we square this circle and ensure this data is logged efficiently?
Icelandair Cargo approached CHAMP with this exact problem and within a short timeframe of less than a week, CHAMP delivered a solution.
Since all AWB data worldwide is sent to Icelandair via Traxon cargoHUB, CHAMP could offer such a quick solution by leveraging a combination of existing capabilities consisting of their openly available PDF convert API functionality together with the message-based rules engine already available in CargoHUB. This means every e-AWB that passes through cargoHUB and is to be delivered to Icelandair’s Cargospot system is converted on the fly into a PDF AWB and delivered in parallel directly into the FAKTA DMS system via API.
What does this mean for the business?
This workaround removed the need for additional processing and re-sending from other main systems as the data is distributed at the source. Since the implementation time was very short, time and cost savings were achieved immediately on the manual process of scanning and loading AWBs (paying only a few cents per PDF).
Do you have a similar problem you want to solve? Please email marketing@CHAMP.AERO for more information.