CHAMP's Operations Solutions
Cargospot Handling
Cargospot Handling is used by major worldwide GHAs to provide the rich functionality needed to manage the complexities of physical cargo processes outbound, inbound and transshipment.
ULD Manager
This solution will help you manage your pool of ULD assets, across your network and beyond. Designed around proven operational practices, it helps drive maximum utilization across cargo, passenger and mail.
Weight & Balance
Cut costs, improve loading and reduce fuel consumption with intelligent load planning – save time with a full load planned in a single click.
Cargospot Business Intelligence
This business intelligence tool is an extensive management reporting suite, specifically designed around the air freight processes.
DataAnalytics is an optional feature with CHAMP’s suite of solutions that take advantage of the enormous amount data already collected through daily activity. It analyzes and presents this data through a series of intuitive dashboards.
Traxon cargoHUB APIs
Providing web-based access to functionality to support customer applications.
Traxon Premium Tracking
Enabling you to track any AWB number, regardless if you are the originator of the FWB.
Traxon CDMP
Traxon CDMP (Cargo iQ Data Management Portal) is an intelligent and intuitive web-based tool that helps you measure performance and drive process improvements to support Cargo iQ certification.
Traxon Quality
Traxon Quality is a web-based platform to measure the full network of a carrier, for shipment flows and performance. It allows the user airline to create a transport plan for shipments, and tracking the progress against events and alerting exceptions for actions and improvements.