What is this all about?
Bolivia Customs has announced the implementation of electronic Advance Cargo Information (ACI) requirements using IATA Cargo-XML messaging standards, as mandatory as of 11 November 2020. Carriers will be responsible for filing import, transit and freight remaining on board (FROB) information in advance of the flight arrival at destination, for both short haul and long-haul flights. The information must be transmitted at least four hours prior to landing in Bolivia or at wheels-up for short haul flights (ie flights of less than four hours).
What do I need to do to comply?
Carriers will be responsible for filing import, transit and freight remaining on board (FROB) information with source data Flight Manifest (FFM), Master Air Waybill (FWB), Consolidation Manifest (FHL).
How can CHAMP help?
CHAMP is offering a filing service compliant with Bolivia Customs’ mandatory requirements via our Traxon Global Customs (TGC) platform for our airline and GHA clients.
What do I need to do to connect to TGC?
Carriers only need to send their IATA Cargo-IMP, FWB, FFM and FHL messages to the CHAMP TGC service on flight departure and then TGC will take care of the rest – connecting to Customs and filing the correct customs messages on time using the Cargo-IMP message data supplied by the carrier. You will need to provide flight schedule information to CHAMP but that is part of the TGC solution offering.
How do I find out more? Just contact your local CHAMP Service or Sales Manager, or email marketing@champ.aero for details to sign you up for TGC’s Bolivia Customs filing service.