Luxembourg 26 September 2017 – Advance customs information is requested by more and more customs authorities worldwide. CHAMP Cargosystems monitors the customs initiatives worldwide and ensures that its well-known customs solution Traxon Global Customs (TGC) evolves accordingly whilst re-enforcing its position as a truly global customs solution for the air cargo community. Over the past nine months, TGC has extended its reach to another ten countries, enabling carriers to comply with the latest customs regulations for more than 50 countries worldwide – all through an all-in-one platform.
The latest countries available in TGC for advance electronic filing include:
• Philippines
• United Arab Emirate – Abu Dhabi
• Kyrgyzstan
• Nicaragua
• Canada
• Ghana
• The Maldives
• Jamaica
• Russia
• Nigeria
“Advance filing for customs is very important to our customers in air cargo,” says Nicholas Xenocostas, Vice President Global Sales and Marketing at CHAMP Cargosystems. “Airlines expand their route network all the time. With CHAMP and our continuously evolving TGC solution, carriers can rest assured to invest in a future-proof solution for their compliance needs, one that is able to facilitate the dynamic customs requirements for more than 50 countries in a fast and reliable manner.”
Since 2005, Traxon Global Customs has delivered the efficiency and reliability of any CHAMP product to Advance Electronic Filing for air cargo shipments. The interactive compliance service is an all-in-one platform that eliminates the need for multiple advance filing solutions. With its smart features of proactive reporting and alert functionality, the client can always be one step ahead of related problems, avoid customs fines, and comply with the newest regulations.
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